This book is made possible by the generous
support of the American people through the United State Agency
of International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility
of DIDIBAHINI and do not necessarily reflect the view of USAID
or the United State Government. |
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Activities |
will be placed on facilitating peace forums
for specific actors (women and youth) and
will provide space for people to come together
to discuss the effects and impacts of violence—direct,
structural, cultural—on their communities;
what type of community they envision, and
what can be done to build a lasting, sustainable
peace on the local level and nationwide. Therefore,
at least two peace roundtables with different
stakeholders at district level will be organized
within the project period. |
significant experience in working with youth
and women with education focus DB will lead
on assisting youth groups with facilitation
of the program and working with teachers to
integrate peace building curriculum into their
regular programs. |
will utilize the existing websites of CAC-N
and DB and facilitate the creation of a linked
web page highlighting the efforts, progress
and challenges of the PEACE program in addition
to the contributions of program participants
and other stakeholders. Website design and
creation will be sought from program volunteers
and a professional technician will also be
hired to support and train the volunteers.
The website will also seek links to other
Nepali civil society organizations engaged
in peace building and conflict transformation
and will also attempt to publish a hardcopy
of program highlights and distribute to additional
stakeholders in key government and civil society
organization offices and resource centers.
DidiBahini and CAC-N are both founder and
core members of Shantimalika, one of the most
active and widely covered national level peace
alliance net works, PEACE will facilitate
peace building mainstreaming workshops with
Shantimalika member organizations (Dalit,
Gender, Disability, single women and HIV/AIDS
focused organizations) so as to promote peace
building among civil society networks. Both
DB and CAC-N will facilitate this process
with significant input from women and youth
councils; however DB will be the lead organization. |
the project team will be working on conceptualization,
planning, implementing as well as gathering
feedback of the training materials and process
at the end of the project a complete manual
is expected to have been published. Any similar
programs and institutions in future can use
the manual. In addition a fact sheet of about
a couple of pages will be produced for wider
sharing and dissemination of the experience. |
peace council with 20 members and a youth
peace council of 20 members have been formed
in both rural and urban area of every district.
Therefore, 80 participants are the direct
beneficiaries from each district from Peace
council. These candidates will be motivated
to bring multiplier effect in their family
and community on Peace building and conflict
transformation. Weekly meeting has been conducted
in the Peace council. In the meetings of peace
council the district facilitators of respective
districts has been giving non-formal education
on peace building and conflict transformation.
part of activities of PEACE project, DidiBahini
organized five days residential Training of
Trainers (TOT) program on "Peace Building
and Conflict Transformation" for the
potential leaders (both women/ youth council
members and district facilitators) of Peace
council. Training contents regarding "Peace
building and Conflict Transformation"
which included non-violence, conflict transformation,
human rights, participatory development and
empowerment was designed with the help of
a professional training experts. The training
was conducted at Himalayan Horizon Hotel,
Dhulikhel. The training was organized to encourage
to form peace building self-help and discussion
forums in their own communities and to engage
actively with their neighbors and other stakeholders
regarding peace and conflict transformation
and awareness raising. |